Thursday, November 20, 2008


Brigham Reese Louder
7 lbs. 6 oz.
18 3/4 in.
4 weeks early....
Where do I begin.....
After the doctor telling me that she thought I was going to go a little early I started really kicking it in gear to get everything ready. Believe it or not I got EVERYTHING ready! I did every last load of laundry, my house was spotless, and everything was crossed off the list of things to buy! It still amazes me that he is here, i will give you the story in a nutshell......
I do not contract on my own, but I do dilate! I felt a little more pressure then normal no contractions, but I felt like I should be checked because i was a five without knowing it, with Caden. We called someone over to the house and I took all my bags and knew that it was not coming home for a few days. Aaron I think maybe thought I was a little weird and not really pumped about going to the doctor when I was still 4 weeks away from my due date. Well long story short, I was dilated to a five! They broke my water at 8:31am and with two pushes and not enough time for an epidural Brigham was born at 10:35! It was the most amazing delivery! I do not think I will ever have the epidural again. The way my body took over and delivered that baby was and still is shocking to me. I felt amazing after I know that I am just rambling now but sitting here re-living it, just blows my mind! We thought for sure that they had my due date a little confused when he came out 7 pounds but the doctor says it was no mistake, you are just lucky:] And, that we are he only had a few little things that were not quite right but within a few hours he was cleared and in our arms! So I did not have to suffer the last month of pregnancy and I have a very healthy chubby cheeked little boy! We are so excited and filled with so much love for our new little arrival!

The Whole Fam......kisses for everyone
My Boys

I did have to mention that I think he did come out looking a little like me which is so fun! I feel a little bad about the soap box I was on in my last post:]
We love our little guy so much and hope you all enjoy the pictures.
We will give another update soon!


Kristen and Spencer said...

OH MY GOODNESS! He is soooo cute! Looks just like you Brynne! These pictures are so precious! The pics of the little brothers made me almost cry! So stinkin cute! I am so happy everything went so well for you both! You guys definately have to make it out here for Christmas! We need to see you all! And squeeze those little (huge:) cheeks of baby Brig! Love you guys!

Trav and Linds said...

Yah! Congrats on your new little guy! You are so lucky you had him early and everything went so well!

Nicole said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am jealous though! I was suppose to have a baby before you! :) He is so cute and I love those pics of Caden and Briggs! So cute. Good luck with 2 and remember any advice for me! :)

Melissa said...

No one will EVER question if that child is yours! He's precious! Congratulations :) I will definitely be stealing those chubby cheeks when you guys come!

ps. I really like Harry's hair long...tell him to keep it! I will defend it ;)

Ashley and Mikkel said...

Wow he has so much hair!! congrats! i can't believe that you didn't have an epidural!! you are a tough cookie!

Devri said...

Oh my gosh! He is such a cutie! I love all his hair! CONGRATS you guys! I'm so glad he is healthy. I hope you are all getting some rest and enjoying your family of four! Love you lots!

Melissa Nickle, Owner of Blossom Sweet said...

whoa i was not expecting to see this yet! congrats, brynne! that is so exciting. what an adorable baby with SOOOO much hair! hope you are doing well- I'm glad he's alright and also glad you got out of a whole month of pregnancy!

Brett and Nette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaclyn said...

what is this!???!! didn't he know i wasn't there? please come home soon so i can hold him.

Brett and Nette said...

Congratulations!! How exciting! He is so cute and I love the head of hair he has:) I am glad to see that you both are healthy and happy. I love the pictures...adorable!

PS I just saw that Brett posted something before I wrote this, but I liked my post better so I just deleted his ha ha:)

Tiff said...

I am sitting here at work..bawling. That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. He is perfect, and so adorable. I love his hair too! I hope to see you guys soon, I am so mad I have to work this weekend!

paige and jord said...

well you have heard plenty from me the last couple days. but can i just say (again) how gosh dang adorable this precious baby is.... COME HOME SO I CAN LOVE HIM!!!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

Awww congratulations he is a beautiful boy!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Louder family! How lucky are you, Brynnie, to have had such an easy wonderful delivery ... you're like your mama! He is beautiful ... love the pictures of the boys together!!! Can't wait to see you all soon!

Reams Fam said...

Yea! That is so exciting! I love his name! Yes you are so lucky and that is amazing that you did it drug free! Congrats!

Ashlee said...

What is with the second boy having so much hair. So Mac looks just like Drew and Gray is a little me. Isn't it fun to have a variety.

The Belnaps said...

Congrats you guys! I cant believe all his hair! That is so cute.. Did Caden have that much dark hair?? Congrats again he is beautiful, and you look awesome as always brynne:)

Nelson & Valerie Cluff said...

Brynne, he is so cute...lucky you for having no last month of pregnancy. :) Congrats.

macandmegan said...

What a cute little guy! Thats so fun to have a brand new baby :) I'm glad the delivery went good....I have to admit I'm a little jealous that you were 4 weeks early!

Cam and Josie said...

AAH..WHAT!!! Congratulations! What a fun surprise! I am jealous about the whole "being dilated without knowing it and having a fast delivery!!" thing! But I am so happy that everything went well for you and that he is safe and healthy! You are superwoman! It puts into perspective how big and grown up Caden really is : ) I know you will eat up every second with your little guys!

Jenny said...

WOW!!! what an unexpected post - 4 weeks early! you lucky, lucky girl! :) Let me put my green monster away who is coming out as my ever growing belly expands and my bladder is being hit like a punching bag. :) he is just beautiful! i love all his dark hair!! another handsome louder boy for sure! CONGRATS!

Ryan and Lacey said...

Congrats on another beautiful baby boy!

Ryan and Lacey said...

Congrats on another beautiful baby boy!

The Lovells said...

Wow, Wow, Wow!!!! We are so happy for you guys and of course Brynne for not having to carry that little boy for 4 more weeks. He is just perfect. Brynne I hope he keeps that dark hair...he looks like your little boy that is for mistaking! Congrats

John and Caroline said...

Holy Cow!! I know what you mean by doing it on your own..did it twice (not by choice). I am glad he is healthy and good...and not to mention adorable!!! Sending our love and hugs to all of you. HOpe to see you at Christmas!

Daughter of God said...

Well you and I are exact opposites! I don't dilate and I contract tons. So you give me some of your dilation and I'll give you some contractions. :] Glad everything went well and you look great!

John and Caroline said...

Hey, it's me again. I don't know how else to get a hold of you. I don't know what your plans our but they are hiring at the new high school in Twin right now. All the coaching positions are open too. Google TwinFalls School district in idaho. You know we would love you here!!!

Ashley said...

What an adorable little boy!! Look at that dark hair!! You are so stinkin' lucky!! Seriously I wish I could have my babies 4 weeks early and have them be healthY!! Without an epidural!! You are's not that bad right..Since I didn't have one with Ethan I hadn't planned on having one with Ali until I didn't get sleep the whole night before and was throwing up every thirty...then I was way past just letting it happen...Congrats to you guys!! What an awesome Thanksgiving gift...

Cameron said...

Wow! You have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving- I guess Brigham just couldn't wait to come meet you guys! He is just darling- he looks like you, Brynne, for sure! Cngratulations!

Matt and Breck said...

What a cute cute baby!!! Congrats you two!!!!!

The Wrights said...

What a lucky Mom you are! He is a beautiful baby! Wow on the hair.. Congrats!! I am so glad everything went ok for you! I hope everything is still going well.. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Dear Brynn, and Aaron,

Oh! So happy for your sweet family! We love you and think that your newest angel is so cute!!!Looks like Brynne. Sure hope that you are enjoying this very special time together. How nice to have him a month early! Enjoy the holidays! The Redferns love the Louders!!!

Cathy Ann

Heather Singleton said...

HANDSOME BOY!!! I'm so happy for you guys! May all your wishes come true as you recover from having him!

Carrie said...

Congratulations!!!! You have such a handsome little boy. I wish we had been back in time to see him in person. Are you leaving VA soon??

linds jo said...

little brig is so darling! we cant wait for you to get home to love him. b you are so lucky to have a child that you can actually claim as your own..:}

Shannon said...

I know I have already told you this but...he is soooo handsome! You look so amazing already and you definitely don't look like you had a baby all natural in that hosp. pic! You are amazing!!! Please call if you want me to take Caiden one of these days, we woul dlove to play.

jeremy and steph said...

He is so beautiful! Seriously! Gorgeous! And so much hair!
Great job on the delivery! You rock!
Yay to all you louders!
p.s. caden looks so darn cutie as well! :)

Chelsey said...

CongratS! I'm glad everything went well with him so early. Looks like you finally got a Nelson! He's darling!

Jaclyn said...

i need more pictures!!!!! going through withdrawls

Jones Family said...

What a CUTE baby! And look at all that hair! I can't wait to meet him in person!

Studio 7 Interior Design, Kristen Rockwood said...

Congratulations! I'm happy everything went well and that he is here and is perfect!

Megan Adamson said...

HE is so cute. So much hair. I can't wait to see him. I am glad everything went well and you are both okay.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice little surprise when everything goes smoothly. I haven't had an epidural with any of my pregnancy's and labor is one of my favorite things about having kids. It really is amazing when it's all over and you think back on what just happened. Congrats on such a sweet miracle. It gets me excited for my next:)

Keri said...

louders! haven't checked your blog for a while, but remembered baby 2 was around christmas time -- - what a fun surprise :) congratulations he's beautiful! and brynn, 2 hour delivery, 4 weeks early - women would pay to get your secret! we're so excited for you - hope to meet him someday. congrats again, your family is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! He is SOOOO handsome. I love the hair. Your family is so beautiful. I'm glad everything went so well. Best of luck with your new, sweet baby.
-Jamie Gillman
p.S. You look too gorgeous to have just delivered a baby. I always look like road kill after delivery! ;-)

Ashley said...

WOW!!! Congratulations he is adorable and I love that he has dark hair such a contrast to Cadens blonde! I can't believe how big he is for being a month early!