Thursday, January 24, 2008

{we FINALLY got tubes.......}

My litltle baby having surgery:[ I could have died dressing him up in this little hospital gown. I only wish his cute little bare bum was hanging out the back. It was so minor, but still very scary for mommy! The surgery was only about 15 minutes. He came back so crabby and did not feel good. He cried and cried, and threw up, and then cried somemore. They said he would for a couple of hours, then it should die down and he should act and feel more like himself. So hopefully this means no more ear infections.............WE HOPE! After getting a "GET WELL SOON" picture and balloons from cousin Tate, he was all smiles!

We are so grateful everything went okay, and we are so grateful for the long nights of sleep that we are going to make up for the monthly infections that kept us all up!


Devri said...

I'm so glad that everything went well! I got tubes when I was 5 and they made a huge difference! Hopefully ear infections will be a thing of the past for you now. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

so happy you are feeling better i just got to get rid of this drip and cough so we can play! la you, tatie

Anonymous said...

baby caden! hope you get better soon! la you so much!

Aly said...

How nerve racking for you guys! Even if it was a minor surgery, I would have totally been freaked out. I am glad he's okay!

Reams Fam said...

Get well soon Caden! He looked too little for that hospital gown! Poor little boy!

Ashlee said...

I love the hospital gowns. We took Mac in wed to the ER, he had nurse maids elbow so they had to reset his arm, anyway he ahd to wear a gown and I couldn't get enough of it. Too bad babies have to be in pain to get one. I hope Caden feels better.

Tiff said...

Ohhh, poor widdle Caden. He does look awefully cute in that little gown. Robin says that it is a good thing that Caden got tubes..."it made all the difference for Brycie." We miss you guys. Look for a package coming soon :)!!

The Borlands said...

How freakin cute it your little Caden! Hope he feels better soon! Hope yall are doin well too. Miss ya! By the way, what's your email?

Ashley said...

Isn't it horrible when you have to witness your kids get something done to them that is painful? I know when Aliana had to be poked everyday to find out her bili levels it was really sad. However she eventually got to the point that when she got poked she wouldn't cry just ly there. I hope things continue to get better and hopefully you all are getting some good rest!!

Tia J said...

No fun for Caden! Glad to hear that it all went well! How cute is the gown though! I remember I took pictures of Trae in his as well! I couldn't resist. Your new family photo is so cute! Your hair is looks amazing!