are you my VALENTINE...........
no, your hair is too FLUFFY
are you my VALENTINE...........
no, your hair is too straight!
are you my VALENTINE.......
Oh man my VALENTINEwas such a good sport today! I was suppose to give him a haircut but before I did I told him that I had to fluff it and then straighten it......well I got all of that done but the haircut:] He has fabulous hair with a ton of curls, I can only hope it will pass onto our children! We had such a wonderful day........It started with crepes this morning, a very fun filled afternoon of beauty parlor, and then dinner and a movie(we were able to take the kids to a friends house)! I have such a wonderful husband who works so hard for are family! If you know Aaron at all this is so out of character to let me do this, but it had to be done!
Happy Valentines Day!
I LOVE you Aaron!