Sunday, February 8, 2009

2 months....2 years..all too fast

Well my little caden is 2 years old! I cannot believe how grown up 2 is. Aside from the few fits and the will to be independent... i really enjoy the terrible 2's! Caden is so adventurous and busy which usually leads to trouble, but he is so funny. He has developed such a funny vocabulary, and says some of the funniest things.
We had a really fun day. We had a little party with our play group and then went to dinner as a family! We love you Caden!

Baby Brig.....he is really almost 3 months but my title sounded better saying 2 months:) What a blessing he is in our lives. He couldn't be a better baby. I have to be careful now and hold him more often cause his head was getting a little flat from always lying down! He just eats and sleeps still. We love you Brigham!


Devri said...

Precious, precious little boys! They are so handsome and look so sweet and fun! I'm glad things are going well for your new family of 4!
Love you lots B!

Ashley said...

Your boys are beautiful!! I love seeing your pictures!!

Reams Fam said...

Happy birthday Caden! Brig is so cute, he looks like he is so easy going!

linds jo said...

what cute pics! i love the layout. we miss your bummies so much. wub.

Shannon said...

The cake was so cute and we had so much fun at Playgroup! Your boys are sooo handsome! We are so glad you guys are here in VA. You definitey need to take my kids pictures-you're awesome!

Aly said...

You have got some cute cute boys! happy birthday! Two wasn't bad for us. It was more the third year that did it for us.

Daughter of God said...

it's so fun to see that caden looks just like aaron and Brigham looks just like you!! beautiful boys!

paige and jord said...

love the new look! those are the most precious boys ever. happy birthday little man.. we love you!

Anonymous said...

They are both so adorable!! Good Job!
I'm with you on the terrible two's. Mayzie is always causing some sort of mischief and keeps me on my toes all day. She is so funny at the same time though. Hallie has always been such a grown up, well behaved little girl so I'm not used to this.

Jaclyn said...

they are so cute. i'm so sad i missed you! maybe next time..

Jaclyn said...

also... i lost your number. i think you and i are never meant to have an over the phone kind of relationship.. just over the computer.. which works for me. loves.

Jones Family said...

They are so dang cute! You really are a great photographer and I hope everything works out for you guys!!!

Aaron, Cera, Jaylen and Gavin said...

WOW! So fun to find you guys. Your family is beautiful!!!!

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh! Brigham has grown so much in the last 3 weeks! He looks exactly like you.
Happy Birthday Caden! We miss you guys.

Jenny said...

your boys are adorable!! two years old is definitely an adventure! busy is right! and two boys is so much fun. i wish we lived closer together so we could do playdates for both the boys.